Damon Buckley Mittagong Spliced 2023 Roald Dahl Amazing Mr Dahl

Amazing Mr Dahl


Damon Buckley, Age 10

St Michael's Mittagong

Damon Buckley Mittagong, SPLICED 2023 Artist's Statement.pdf

Amazing Mr Dahl


Damon Buckley, Age 10

St Michael's Mittagong

Copy of Acro Dance -Moving Meditation - Wandering Within

Wandering Within - An Acro Dance 

Allegra Fosteris

Age 11

Stella Maris Catholic School, Shellharbour.

Copy of Allegra Fosteris - Published Artist's Statement - with QR code.pdf

Wandering Within Artist's Statement 

Allegra Fosteris

Age 11

Stella Maris Catholic School, Shellharbour.

Wandering Within Visual Representation

Allegra Fosteris

Age 11

Stella Maris Catholic School, Shellharbour.

Copy of Published Poem - Allegra.pdf

Wandering Within Poem 

Allegra Fosteris

Age 11

Stella Maris Catholic School, Shellharbour.

Copy of Published Guided Meditation 1 - with QR code.pdf

Wandering Within Guided Meditation 1 Script

Allegra Fosteris

Age 11

Stella Maris Catholic School, Shellharbour.

Copy of Copy of Guided Meditation 1

Wandering Within Guided Meditation 1 Audio

Allegra Fosteris

Age 11

Stella Maris Catholic School, Shellharbour.

Published_ Guided Meditation 2 (2).pdf

Wandering Within Guided Meditation 2


Allegra Fosteris

Age 11

Stella Maris Catholic School, Shellharbour.

Copy of Guided Meditation

Wandering Within Guided Meditation 2


Allegra Fosteris

Age 11

Stella Maris Catholic School, Shellharbour.

Aboriginal art.pdf

Aboriginal Art

Inspiration from the Past

Phoebe Redman, Age 9

St Paul's Camden

Amelia Richards 10 years old Yr 5 Holy Cross Helensburgh Artist Statement.pdf

Imagination Blossoms

Amelia Richards, Age 11

Holy Cross Helensburgh

Imagination Blossoms

Click on Artwork to Access the Video

Amelia Richards, Age 11

Holy Cross Helensburgh